Monday, January 9, 2012


Ron Paul is not a racist. Rick Santorum is not a racist. I am not a republican.

no one is given benefit of the doubt anymore.

no one is judged by the content of their character - only through the lens of their political affiliation.

no one aims to respectfully disagree anymore...

it's like disagreement is the goal and respect is optional.

no one can say anything good about someone on the other side of political aisle without qualifying it "now, i don't like everything that my opponent says but..."

a lot of the stuff that i've been reading/watching recently is nothing short of shameful. People should really be ashamed of themselves.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Don't Waste Your Life

Just skimmed an article on passive aggressive behavior on

Here's a link to the article

I then read the comments section and after the 4th comment or so, i was kinda overwhelmed by the brokenness of the world. We were not meant to experience the terrible things that we do, but because of sin, we do. In spite of all of this, there is still hope in God.

Reading this article also made me realize that i need to make the most of each day that the Lord has given me. a "God has gifted me with a heart that cares and with a mouth that is able to clearly communicate his truth, so make the most of each day by using those gifts" kinda way.

It's just that letting work and sleep consume me seems a little too appealing at times :/

pray for me.