Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gay marriage passes in NYS

An excerpt from another conversation. In light of recent news, i feel this post is appropriate:

(this post will probably be very similar to this one that i wrote)

i think i differ from most bible believing christians in this respect. I'm ambivalent about this decision. All this bill does is change how the state defines marriage. The state is not the church. The state has not rewritten what the bible says.

When my fiance and I marry (yeah, i'm engaged these days XD), our pastor will officiate the ceremony and we will be married. Our vows will be no less binding in the eyes of the Lord if we decide against seeking a marriage certificate from the state.

If we choose to seek the financial and civil benefits that the state confers upon those who it deems to be married, we will sign up. That the state defines marriage as a union between two people of the same sex does not mean that marriage is a union between two people of the same sex. God has spoken. Whatever man has to say is nothing more than conjecture.

I'm ambivalent about this decision because i believe what the bible has to say about sexual immorality. This decision will only further legitimize sexual immorality in our society. The ambivalence enters into the equation when i consider the fact that there are people who have been in committed relationships to whom the SECULAR state denies basic rights.

Marriage is not a right, but seeing a loved one in the hospital should should death/estate benefits...and the opportunity to extend health coverage.

That the state calls civil unions "marriage" is nothing more than semantics. The definition of marriage has not been changed by this legislation any more than God's existence ceases when a person professes atheism. #justsayin


  1. "The definition of marriage has not been changed by this legislation any more than God's existence ceases when a person professes atheism."

    Interesting point.

    How do you respond when "gay marriage" advocates suggest you vote in favor of it because voting against it is imposing your biblical view on others and you have no right to do that?

  2. such a suggestion has never been raised. I would probably say something to the effect that I cannot, in good conscience support such a mandate if it were in prop 8 referendum form (i wouldn't not vote for a politician just b/c they are pro-gay marriage).

    If asked to explain further, i would say that everyone gets their morality from somewhere. Disagreement with the place from which my morality descends does not invalidate it.
