Friday, May 1, 2020

Loving Others

Was finishing 1 John 4 this morning and this came to mind for me as a way to think about the text - specifically God's command that we love others.

Loving others is a commandment from God.

From the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25, we know that one of the ways that we are called to love our brother/neighbor is to be merciful and to give generously to those in need.

There is a mindset that says we shouldn't be merciful & generous bc SOMEONE SOMEWHERE will take advantage of love expressed in this way.

This kind of disposition misses the fact that God has been generous to us and abundantly merciful.

Additionally, God's commandment isn't "don't get taken advantage of". He gives "talents" that they may be PUT TO WORK (read: put in a position where there is risk of someone taking advantage), not buried in a place that minimizes risk.

The servant who buried the talent in Matthew 25:13 was cast into "outer darkness". At the heart of his transgression was a misunderstanding of who God is. Does how we love or don't love others show that we misunderstand God and how he loves us?

If we view ourselves as deserving of God's mercy and generosity, we will not love those who we deem to be undeserving. Such a disposition is far removed from the heart of God. The essence of the gospel is that "while we were yet sinners (read: undeserving), Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).